
Muslim Rap Artist Lupe Fiasco Removed From Inaugural Celebration After Anti-Obama Comments

Apparently criticizing the one true president mompants isn’t allowed anymore in American society… Rap Artist Lupe Fiasco was set to perform at an inaugural celebration, but was shoved off stage after he uttered disfavor with president Obama according to people at the concert:



From Wikipedia:

Fiasco is noted for his anti-establishment views. In an interview with Stephen Colbert on the satirical news show The Colbert Report, Fiasco stated his credo on political philosophy: “You should criticize power even if you agree with it.” 


In another interview in June 2011 on the CBS program What’s Trending, Fiasco discussed the political content of his music, stating, “My fight against terrorism, to me, the biggest terrorist is Obama and the United States of America. I’m trying to fight the terrorism that’s actually causing the other forms of terrorism. You know, the root cause of terrorism is the stuff the U.S. government allows to happen. The foreign policies that we have in place in different countries that inspire people to become terrorists.”


He additionally criticized Obama for his stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In keeping with his anti-establishment views, Fiasco does not vote in U.S. elections.

And he’s a Muslim! Well. That’s cool. I guess. UPDATE: Here’s a pic from the concert:



  Another tweet from someone attending wasn’t as appreciative:



Yeah.. seems kinda incompetent for a president, especially after four years in, huh?





The event organizers deny what happened:

Lupe Fiasco: Official Statement From StartUp Rock On Organizers Posted January 21, 2013 2:08am by StartUp RockOn Tags: Inauguration, lupe fiasco, StartUp RockOn, Startups StartUp RockOn is all about startups helping startups. At Sunday night’s Inauguration Celebration at the Hamilton Live, organizers set out to honor innovative visionaries with grants, accolades and a party worthy of the success we achieved at the RNC and DNC this summer. Lupe Fiasco performed at this private event, and as you may have read, he left the stage earlier than we had planned.

But Lupe Fiasco was not “kicked off stage” for an “anti-Obama rant.” We are staunch supporters of free speech, and free political speech. This was not about his opinions. Instead, after a bizarrely repetitive, jarring performance that left the crowd vocally dissatisfied, organizers decided to move on to the next act.

The party continued as planned, and we celebrated the announcement of CodeNow’s winning the Grant Challenge. CodeNow is a non-profit startup based in Washington DC that teaches “underrepresented high school students basic skills in computer programming.” StartUp RockOn was founded last year by three startups: HyperVocal, EventFarm and Fighter Interactive.

Odd that they would say the performance left the crowd “dissatisfied” when the video posted above has the audience clearly cheering loudly for Lupe while he’s being forced off-stage.

In fact, most tweets were like the one below:


Oh and of course it was non-political!!! And I believe this coming from the organizer that has a twitter background specifically mocking Ann Romney:



Oh you filthy liberals are so quick to whine when people protest against you, and so happy to support those to criticize your political opponents at any event…



This is the song Lupe was singing when he broke into his anti-Obama tirade:

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